My Father, My Architect: Louis Kahn
Father of American Landscape + Design: Fredrick Law Olmstead
Father of Scandinavian Architecture: Alvaro Aalto
Father of International style: Le Corbusier
Father of High Tech Architecture: Norman Foster
Father of Bauhaus Architect: Walter Gropius
Father of 20th century Architect: Bruce Goff
Father of American Skyscrappers: William Le Baron Jenney
Father of Art Nouveau Architecture: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Father of Enviromentalist Architecture: Glenn Murcutt
Father of Renaissance Architecture: Andrea Palladio
Father of American Modern Architecture: Luis Sullivan
Father of Post Modern Architecture: Robert Venturi
Father of "famous" Architects: Frank Lloyd Wright
Father of Modernism: Mies van der Rohe
Father of Television Architecture: Mike Brady ( the Brady Bunch)
my grandFATHER the Architect: Abdol-Hossien Eskandari