Seeking Knowledge
On Monday, I was a guest Crit at ASU College of Design. It was a lot of fun, going back to the university and studio atmosphere and seeing what others are doing. As I was sitting in reviews, one from another - I came to think that no matter what level in architecture one might be we all are always seeking knowledge. After pondering this thought for a while, I came to wonder does education end after we graduate from college, or does our real education start when we start our jobs and are out in the real world?
I know that personally, after graduating my yearning for knowledge and seeking it has increased. It might not always be in architecture, but it is about other things in life.
A couple of weeks ago I had the a chance to visit the great Artist Mahmoud Farchian studio and see some of his work at first hand. I was intoroduced to his work when I was 15 and had seen a couple of his work in The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and at the Smithsonian Institute in DC. I love this piece. It says alot... how every day we seek. We seek in books, we seek for knowledge, we seek in our souls, and we seek in each other to find our selves and to make our selves better.
This image reminded me so much of Shel Silverstein and the book the missing piece meet Big O. I love that book so much. I wish that I could get a copy of it ( it is on my wish list). This story is the BEST, and it means so much to me.

As we end the day, and lie in bed at night, we must end on a note - what did I accomplish today and what did I learn? Who did I meet that I can learn from and that I can roll with?