Nov. 15, 2009
Rio de Janeiro beat Madrid, defeat for the third time in heads-up play between the four cities bidding to host the Olympic Games of 2016. The other two cities eliminated from the beginning of the ending, was Chicago, whose candidacy was supported by Barack Obama in person, and Tokyo.
Brazil, already engaged in the work for the World Cup of 2014 where it had stated its interest in organizing the event along with Argentina and Chile (joint bid), Australia, Colombia and the United States will now have to employ all the energies for the great Olympic event.
More than half of what will be the venues for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in 2016 are already built and it's true masterpieces made during the Pan American Games in Rio 2007: the magnificent Estadio Joao Havelange (proposed to host the athletics competitions in the 2016), the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center, the Arena Olímpica de Rio (which will host gymnastics and basketball tests in a wheelchair), the Olympic Velodrome in Rio, the National Equestrian Center and the National Center for Tire.
Structures for the Olympics in 2016 were grouped into four major distinct areas of the city (see map), the clusters Bar, Copacabana, Maracanã and deodorizes. These zones are connected by an efficient transport system and trains high performance. This strategy is intended to distribute the direct and indirect benefits of bringing games to all the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro, through the construction of new facilities and improvements to the existing network infrastructure.
Study Brazilian BCMF (Bruno Campos, Marcelo Fontes) is responsible for most of the architectural contract for Rio 2016. Bruno Campos, Marcelo Fontes and Fibromatosis for the architectural, with Carlos Teixeira for landscape, led a team of about 20 professionals, in constant interface with the Rio 2016 and their team of international consultants, with whom it has been reported on Dorrier application submitted. Throughout we have produced more than 700 files for delivery of the project, more than 40 prospects and 70 elaborate presentation for the opening of files and the videos.
"The works have always been done by monitoring and advising the COB - Comité Olímpico Brasileiro (Rio 2016), in constant collaboration and exchange of information with a specialized team responsible for operational projects. In general, has been given importance and prominence to the lush landscapes of Rio de Janeiro, whose beauty can be surprising, even in remote regions as Deodoro. Thus, in contrast, over-exuberant and "iconic" in Beijing and London, we focused on the integration of structures with the city and buildings.
The Tradition of Modern Architecture in Rio de Janeiro (a period of 50 years), surrounded by nature and lush landscapes, has been a constant reference for us Burle Marx, Olavo Redig de Campos, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, Lucio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer, Sergio Bernardes, Roberto Irmãos, etc. ".
Approach and design strategy
Rio Olympic Park (PLO): Masterplan and locations
A batch of approximately triangular 700.000mq in a privileged position in Barra da Tijuca, on the shores of Lake Marapica, with its base on Av Abelardo Bueno. Currently, the area is home to the Speedway and the Olympic Jacarepaguá (ROA) of the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center (AQC) and the Olympic Velodrome in Rio (ROV), all facilities built for the Pan American Games in 2007. The Olympic Park River became a center for training and high-level research, to meet athletes from all over Latin America. The idea of the Masterplan has been to treat the complex as if it were a "Campus" or "park" in which the various systems are connected and integrated planning through a wide area. Conceptually, the strategy was focused on addressing three key issues such as partitioning and separation of flows, the linkage of the various plants and the relationship between the new park and the context of natural and urban landscapes of Rio de Janeiro.
The basic idea is a "Campus" which is on two main levels. The first level will be reserved for the implementation of the FOP (field test), while the second (6 meters above) consist of a circulation system to two large perpendicular axes (two long runways 30 m wide in NS direction and EW), which are turned into ramps and platforms (suspended squares) attached to each facility for the public and the media (for access from the Media Village and the International Broadcast Center / Main Press Center). At this level you will have an overview of the FOP at ground level and a better perception of the lagoon and surrounding mountains.
This strategy, apparently radical, is somehow an ideal solution for sports facilities of major international events, where the separation of flow of the paying public (FOH), flow and general flow of qualified (BOH) is essential. This mesh, or grid of movement, would be a great space reserved for the public pedestrian spaces, a real urban landscape to complement suspended all services, without interference with flows and operating vehicles. Under this grid, the area is divided into two levels (each 3 meters in height), with a total separation between the service areas (BOH) and the areas for the public (FOH), through a sectoralisation vertical and horizontal ( flat) in each structure, always connected to the road. Beyond this functional aspect, this large grid is connected direct physical continuity among all the sports equipment rather than be ten architectural structures isolated, will be a true Olympic Park as a unique design, with all related parties in a single "system", with the possibility of being used separately or together, and public spaces combined with extraordinary landscapes.
Public access is established along the main axes. That east-west parallel to the Avenue begins at the terminal BRT River Center overlooking the boulevard (even connecting to a walkway that connects directly to the Village of Media) and passes along the Olympic Park between IBC / MPC el'Olympic Ice Center ( HTC) to reach (1 km after the terminal) to the monumental main square (400 x 250 meters) in the heart of the complex. This large public terrace is the focal point from which you can have an overview of all the facilities of the Olympic Park in Rio. The north-south axis, from a ramp perpendicular to Av Abelardo Bueno, touches the large terrace which extends to the edge of the lagoon where the lowest level is the village of sponsors (SPV). Inside the Olympic Park, the architecture of each plant was treated differently, but following the same principles of simple geometry and "pure" and the same structural modulation (5x5m), which ensured a certain harmony of rhythms and proportions in plants with different characteristics, as if they were all "members" of the same "family" of objects.
The Olympic Aquatic Stadium (OSA) is essentially a glass box lined with solar shading. Long gutters and cuts in the plans from north to south light damage to the facade north-south, while the west facade has a glass roof suspended (the level of public access). This surface serves as a giant "display" on which to display video, photos, graphics and evocative images projected onto a sheet of water flowing continuously throughout the length of the large gable glass. Its metal frame and its protections (brise soleil and sheds) are welded internally to maintain the purity of the geometry of the glass box, sometimes translucent and sometimes transparent.
The National Olympic Training Center (ITC) is the most "iconic" of the Park. The challenge was to give shape and personality to a gigantic frame (450 x 150 m), which should be in a large "cobblestone" flexible vacuum that can be divided into 4 rooms. The end result is surprising, but is part of a solution fairly simple repeats that generate a transverse structural arches geometry "organic" slightly hilly. This configuration, dynamic and variable, resulting from the reduction in size of some structural arches, is covered by a surface that can have different levels of transparency depending on the needs and circumstances.
The Olympic Hockey Center (HTC) is composed entirely of temporary structures and their stands are similar to those dell'Equestrian Complex in Deodoro.
The Olympic Tennis Center (TTC) is a mix of permanent and temporary structures and forum, the result of internal rotation of the arches to support the galleries above, has substantially the shape of a donut.
The Village Sponsors / "Live Site" (SPV), will rise on the shore of the lake and will be completely dismantled after the Games.
The Rio Olympic Velodrome (ROV) is an existing structure that will be the subject of expansion and restructuring. It is basically a shell covered with a shed (which adjusts the light), incorporated in the metal structure of the track great.
The International Broadcast Center / Main Press Center (IBC / MPC), finally, is a separate install. Expected to receive numerous media, is composed of a series of "bars" of corporate and service spaces apart and connected by a cross, and a hotel upstairs. The spaces between the "bars" are spaces for public use (gardens, restaurants, terraces, etc.). Strategically located, the IBC / MPC is open to the Rio Olympic Park to the south and the Media Village to the north, directly connected to the platform placed on top of the road system.
The building of the Olympic Village (OLV) was designed by architect Sérgio Dias. The work of BCMF Arquitetos it is to integrate the landscape planning in the north, a living area for athletes with shops, restaurants, gyms, parks, etc., placed in special temporary structures along the "boulevard" that emulates the sidewalk Copacabana and Ipanema. The Olympic Village after the Games will be transformed into a series of residential buildings.
The area of Deodoro, a district in the lower Rio, takes advantage of the facilities which were made by BCMF for the Pan American Games of 2007, supplemented by Radical Sports Park (X-Park) and the modern pentathlon. The X-Park (XPR) is a new attraction for the Deodoro Sports Complex (EDC), coupled with a new sports club which meets the demand of the local community. The X-Park was designed based on the existing topography and consists of a series of hills and valleys connected by landscaped paths nearby. The circuit of Mountain Bike (MBK) has been designed on the basis of contour lines and the route has been completed with local plant species. The Olympic Whitewater Stadium (CAN), is spread among a series of hills and its path leads to an artificial lake.
For the National Equestrian Center (NEC) and the National Shooting Center (NSC), already meet international standards, is planned in anticipation of the Olympic Games, a simple expansion.
As for attention to the environment was presented by the Brazilian Committee a dossier which outlines all the practices we put in place for environmental protection: the use of bioethanol as fuel to reduce significantly emissions of greenhouse gases, applications of principles of green architecture and energy savings in new buildings, the selection of sponsors on the basis of eco-sustainability, comprehensive plan for mobility during the Games.
The design of structures designed by BCMF Arquitetos for the Pan American Games of 2007 (Deodoro Sports Complex: Shooting, Equestrian, Grass Hockey and Pentathlon centers) will be on display from today until 15 November to Deajeon Biennale (South Korea).
The appointment, therefore, is in Rio de Janeiro from Friday, August 5, 2016 (opening ceremony) on Sunday, August 21, 2016 (Closing Ceremony).