FALL 2011
Islam in America Ten Years After 9/11
Lecture & Conversation with Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf, author of What’s Right with Islam, Is What’s Right with America and leading advocate of Park 51 Islamic Center in NYC near Ground Zero. Co-sponsored with American Whig Cliosophic Society and Muslim Students Association.
Monday, September 19 | 4.30 pm | Whig Hall, Senate Chamber
Designing Sacred Spaces in the Modern World
a lunchtime conversation with Maryam Eskandari
Wednesday, October 19 | 12.30 pm | Campus Club Library
American Mosques & Muslim Identity: Debating Gender, Form, and Architecture
Lecture & conversation with Maryam Eskandari, an architect and a graduate of the Aga Khan Program in Islamic Architecture at Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a focus on modern and contemporary “Islamic” Architecture in the West.
Wednesday, October 19 | 7.30 pm | Peyton Hall, 145
Fear, Inc.: Islamophobia & The Challenge to American Pluralism
Lecture & conversation with Wajahat Ali, one of the authors of Fear, Inc.: The Roots of The Islamophobia Network in America , a revealing expose produced by the Center for American Progress.
Wednesday, November 30 | 4.30 pm | Robertson Hall, Bowl 1
Toward a More Perfect Union: Religion, Democracy, & Ethical Citizenship
A wide ranging conversation between Dr. Ingrid Mattson—Director of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at the Hartford Theological Seminary, author of The Story of the Qur’an , and former president of the Islamic Society of North America—and Dr. Jeffery Stout—esteemed professor of religion at Princeton University and author most recently of Blessed are the Organized: Grassroots Democracy in America .
Wednesday, December 7 | 4.30 pm | McCormick Hall, 101