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Sacred Space: (Re)Constructing the Place of Gender in the Space of Religion
A Photographic Installation by Maryam Eskandari, American Iranian Architect | Artist
Opening reception: February 17, 2011, 5:30-7:30pm
On view: February 1-March 21, 2011
With 6 million observant Muslims residing in the United States, there is an ever-present demand for construction of mosques in U.S. cities. The architectural design of community mosques in the U.S. emerges as a particularly understudied problem in the aforementioned encounter between Middle Eastern architecture and American religious practice. Numerous case studies and investigations of a diverse set of mosques were conducted and studied, indicating an overwhelming majority of diverse Muslim communities across the U.S., articulating the ideal space between a “Modern Mosque” versus a “Traditional Mosque.”
All images are now part of the the Aga Khan Visual Archive.
Sponsored by: The Aga Khan Program in Islamic Architecture, Harvard and MIT Libraries, School of Architecture + Planning.